Hello, Friends! We would like to welcome you to the relaunch of our bi-weekly Newsletter! In these letters we will give updates about upcoming events, share interesting dog related stories, and express our appreciation for the Fetch Social community!

We are proud to announce that Fetch will be a sponsor at the 19th annual Stride for Strays dog walkathon. All the proceeds for this event will help the Animal Coalition of Tampa, one of the most loving nonprofits. A few years ago the Animal Coalition's brand new facility was burned down due arson. Not only was their building destroyed, but 3 of ACT's cats were killed in the fire. The good news is ACT has continued to move forward & is still helping animals in need!
The first half of Stride for Strays will focus on the 1-mile dog walk through Al Lopez Park Nature Trail. This will be followed by a myriad of exciting activities such as a dog costume contest. If you decide to come out, please be sure to stop by our booth & say hello. Thank you for joining our community!
For updates on all things involving Fetch be sure to follow us on our social media pages @FetchSocial